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Dog fouling is a massive problem! The District Council can now issue up to £1000 fine for dog fouling. It is tricky to catch people so there is a number you can ring to report the issue anonymously. Ideally the more information given the better chance there is to stop this and catch people who do not clean up after their dogs. The information they need is times/dates and a description of the person/dog and if relevant VRN. The number to report to is 01283 595943.


















Defibrillator now up and running in Leawood Road, Lower Midway. Massive thanks to Lisa Bee and Lee Vale who raised money towards this and Lee was happy to have had it fitted on the wall of his house, also thanks to Hartshorne Parish Council for funding this vital piece of equipment.


There are also 2 others installed in the area, one at the Goseley Community Centre and one outside the Admiral Rodney pub.




In September 2016 the Council refused planning permission for the building of 95 houses in Lee Wood Valley. The temporary tree preservation order has been made permanent so it is hoped the area will now be protected for future generations.


Please click on the button below to serch for current planning applications








Committee Meeting
Association Members Meeting
Parish Council Meeting
Second Monday of each month via zoom

Many members expressed their concerns about the speed at which traffic travels along Sandcliffe Rd. We currently share the flashing '30mph' sign with Ticknall and there were plans to share the sign further with Hartshorne village which is obviously not ideal. At present we are just sharing it with Ticknall


Speed watch training will hoepfully be organised once the pandemic is under control for anyone interested in our community and residents of Hartshorne Village, training is likely to be on a Saturday.

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